Hey guys! My name is Shauna.
I am trying to come up with the right words to express the power of the impact that the gift of God, in Craig’s life, has had on me. This will only be a tiny glimpse into all the Lord is doing through this ministry.
Because of the revelation of Jesus and who He really is, it is changing my life and those around me. My family is affected and will be now for generations.
I just know I need Jesus. I have been seeking/serving Him for 30 years now and I still feel like I still have so much to know about Him.
I grew up going to church and being told I should know better. A Pastor/counselor recently told me, “Shauna, you shouldn’t should on others and you shouldn’t should on yourself.”
I am seeing more and more clearly the power of belief. I battled for years with my mind, but it had grown to where I felt numb and afraid of failing God and others.
I was afraid of “missing it”.
The first time I had a conversation with Craig, He brought me back to the Father’s heart for me. It was something I hadn’t felt for years. The realization and revelation of this supernaturally changed me. But, I was still oppressed. In the next prayer session, the Lord revealed a stronghold the enemy had in my soul. My mind was cleansed and became clear. The confusion was gone. I could now recognize when the confusion began and take authority over it.
My mind is now so clear, in a way that I have not known in years. I have a peace like I have not known since I surrendered to the Lord 30 years ago.
I was experiencing this terrible pain down my right side, from my low back, down my leg. It was so painful I had trouble breathing. I could hardly move and at times I couldn’t walk or get up and down. I went to chiropractors, prayed and pleaded with the Lord to reveal where this came from. It went on for months and was getting worse. Then in one of our sessions, I was in so much pain. Craig and another prayer minister both had words from God that showed them how to pray for me. All that I remember is Craig began to speak over my body and talk in the authority of Jesus. The pain came out of my body and I have been healed ever since! This has been almost a year now.
Through the change and glory of the Lord, my family has seen change in my life and has begun to be impacted also. It is healing, bringing revelation, and equipping our lives, marriage and family. And this affects all those around us to the glory of His Kingdom.
I am eternally grateful and believe the best is yet to come!